“Oh, a look a blog from ex-”

“here it comes the end of the honeymoon phase”Not so actually, and hold up with those assumptions we aren’t married yet, at least in a legal sense, in a biblical sense according to my future live in PhD and in hearts, minds, honor, yes, but the wedding still more than a month away.  Yes, there…

Some Audacity

This man!!!!He asked, I said yes.  It took 23 years to recognize what was in our faces all along. 1.5 years for him to get up the nerve to kiss me.And 3 months to ask me for forever. But I knew before it that he was the one person in my life I could ever…

My Love

Heavy is the mind that ponders the level of every piece of everything. Come to me with your burdens and lay them in my hands where I will keep them safe. Understand that you do not love a meek soul frightened by your darkness, but one who will stand with you before your demons at…

Like Broken Bones

My birthday was this week, 37, I am not sure how I feel about this age, I am no longer young, but I am not quite at old yet either. Last year, on my birthday I was in the middle of struggling to find my feet again- months before I'd been forced to start life…

Ghost Whisper

I know you know that I know, that I see you, the whole of a story lingering behind you raw and withering as you watch them rewrite it to cut you down and cut you out. An unfair addition to the heartbreaking bombs already ruthlessly delivered.   I wish I could tell you I didn’t understand…


“I’m sorry. I hate to feel like I’m using you, but, that’s what I want.” That’s the story of my life with men, I have been used by them since I was 8 years old in varying ways. It’s also a recurring theme lately which has me running from the idea of being on the…