Welcome to my blog!

Years ago I was brokenhearted, rejected, and frankly, needed something to fill my time. Needing a place to vent and write out all my heart-wrenching drama with an artistic flare I started this blog on a whim. And what I found was it was incredibly healing for me. I choose to remain anonymous because I feel more freedom to express my heart, I’ve found I cannot write freely when I know I have to face my audience. Call it a writer’s Stage fright.

At first, I was determined to name it myexasperatedheart, but I had also started a Facebook page FML#Forevermendlife (https://www.facebook.com/fml.blog) so eventually when I finally decided to purchase my domain it became the tagline. So here we are.

As for what to expect from this blog, anything and everything close to my heart,  feelings about society, and particularly where it concerns relationships and being a single parent in the dating world. I am a psychology student, and I have been through a ton of trauma and healing processes, so most of it is related to that. Mostly, this is my true authentic form of expression.

Not PG rated.

Please explore and enjoy!