Do you want the hero to deliberate about saving you from drowning before doing it, or do you want the hero that automatically without thought jumps in after you and saves your life?

Common sense, right?

Ok here’s another one: do whatever makes you happy no matter what other people’s opinions of it are.

It’s your life all that matters is your own happiness?

Obvious, correct?

So, serial killers should be accepted for doing what makes them happy?

AHHH, hold on….

Let’s apply this to romance-

Do you want the person who must think over all the aspects of cheating on their spouse before choosing not to, or do you want the partner that never considers it and chooses not to?

Is doing whatever makes you happy still ok if it causes harm to others?

I’ve been dabbling in philosophy (psychology is still my first love but I am in a rabbit hole) and thinking a lot about moral responsibility and what my core values and convictions really are and what my beliefs about societal ideas that are current and applicable.

What if I told you, it was proven that love is just a chemical reaction- does that change how you look at love. What if there was no choice in who you love, would you still love a mass murderer? Would you not love your children because there is no chemical reaction?

Let’s say freewill doesn’t exist, that everything you did was out of your control and predetermined. Would you suddenly be completely immoral?

I was talking to a friend, and he asked, what guides your moral compass, you are a good person, but why? Why do we as a society not ask each other these questions more often?

So, going down this rabbit hole has led to extremely healing ideas and contemplation for the future. Why am I a good person? Is it my behavior? Is it my inclination to always try and do what’s right? Are my ideals of what’s right morally right- or is it wrong? Am I a good person for choosing to love thy neighbor, am I good because I am nurturing or honestly strive to be helpful?

Harder question: Do I help to get praise for being a good person or because it’s the right thing to do?

Do I believe we have freewill, or do I believe it’s all predetermined?

Ex, do you have the answer to any of these questions?

Not exactly, LOL! But I have a point, it’s time to start thinking about it in all seriousness, because it may not matter what other’s people’s opinions are of what makes me happy, but it matters to me. It matters if my actions and behaviors are on the wrong or right side of morality. It will matter what God thinks of them. The one answer I have gotten from all my rabbit hole diving is that I want to be a good person even when others choose not to be. I want my self reflection to not be painful but reassuring.

 I was present for a sermon about choosing not to be offended, and I took it to heart, but I am going to add, don’t be offensive to yourself. I want to have a moral construct that I am deep down sure of, and that will guide me. I want to be surrounded with the type of people who dive into saving a drowning victim without thinking about it, no reason other than the instinctual action of doing what’s right, and I want to make sure I am that person. That’s the key to a well lived life in my mind.

I don’t want to have to look back on who I was to other people, how I behaved in situations, and question whether I did what I felt is right or if it was actually right and not just how I felt, I am embracing my authentic self, I want my moral construct to be authentic as well.

It’s a deep dive, and I am far from done, but thinking about these things has given me a new perspective. I already was busy surrounding myself with good people, I am working towards building a life that does make me happy, and I don’t want to be a good person just for the acknowledgement of being one. I want to stand before God and be able with absolute certainty, “Lord, I gave it my best.”

Someone out there who has been following me is going, yeah but what about forgiveness? I’ll get around to contemplating that when and if I am ever ready, I feel no rush or pressure to do so because in the end that’s between me and God and them and God.

Diligently working this rabbit hole to see where it leads.

Have a wonderful Wednesday’s my lovely’s!

Ex Hart

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